Monthly Archives: March 2014

Another BSM and a small update.


IK it’s been a while since I used this thing but I have been busy between freelance work and also the channel! Which you might be a subscriber if you came here. Ether way BSM is throwing a marathon this weekend (finally it’s been a year) and I am excited! I will be in the chat so if you go you might get to say hi. This benefits the Brain and Behavior research… you know what I said it in the video i’ll just lead you to that as if you saw the video you ALREADY know this!

As for me in free time… when any… I have been watching anime like usual a quick run down… Sword Art Online, Bleach, Soul Eater, Gunslinger Girl, One Piece, whatever toonami is showing, Pretty cure (currently on splash star with the girlfriend and watching doki doki and happiness charge too) and a huge backlog of anime still including Kill la Kill and Attack on Titan. However when Sailor moon 2014 comes out I AM GOING to move that right off the backlog.

Also on minecraft still on the 2g1m server and living in a freaking temple! We (me and rynne/nancy/tomboytrunks/whatever else she goes by) built this temple and it wasn’t on rock and roll… it was on more screaming and why did I want to do this however, it looks great! I need to take photos of it one day.

Now as I promised here’s the Etrian Odyssey Untold guild card I owe you. This is where my  card peaked. I hope you get thunder dash off of this or something useful.




That’s all for now so grab some chili dogs and see you on Monday for my next game!
