Category Archives: Update

2.0 of Mythra!

I did it it’s out… it’s here! who wants to play the redone version? Audio guy’s run will be in 48 hours. Also expect a bonus episode of sailor moon AS Sometime It’s been busy! Finally… one more announcement! TODAY WE TAKE DOWN GANON IN ZELDA 1’S FIRST QUEST! See you later got stuff to do!


The Future of Mythra….

It’s been a few weeks hasn’t it… About a month since I tried to hype GT Mythra… I have been watching feedback on a few sites and well… It’s time I address a few issues…


Apparently the players who played it found more bugs than the beta testers combined! Note: Each review found was sent to the beta testers and well… there was a lot of oh boy… I will address them in a bug fix that will release on the 16th of August if all goes well with my Audio Guy’s LP of GT Mythra! (He works under my channel so don’t worry just look on my channel he will be there.)

Battles being too easy… Well excuse me but… thank you!… All my beta testers said that it was fine and I have been working on balancing them out so that will be in the re-release. I also read one review and it mentions “everything that isn’t an RPG standard is thoroughly explained.” I can explain this… in the beta test ALL MY BETA TESTERS GOT STUCK. They kept asking how do I do this? So I had to add that in. Also the beta testers said the mining system was ungodly hard so I put the monster drops in… in adverse effect I made the game to easy… Well.. the bug fix I’m removing the ore from monsters but leaving the improved rate. However I will give a small chance of healing items being dropped.  Another bug fix and a big oversight that no beta tester looked at (with so many classes I needed more testers but no one came to the plate and all but 2 got pink slips for not even looking at the game…) “Luckily, I had a lancer in my party, and status effects work on bosses, so once I had an instant death ability, the game posed no challenge–including the last boss (I’m guessing this was an oversight).” I WILL be patching this…

Also I want to tell you guys something… The Bar in town is more than just a setting… There was someone there that tells you ALL about the floor monsters and some of their weakness. The bar did change every section.


I will add some changes to the dialogue and also make some things more clear in the bug fix patch. The one month rush got to me in the end and I admit the dialogue suffered.

Also… After the game is patched… I will be making a duplicate version… in VX… Why would I be crazy enough to do that? Well because I will be including it for free with the release of…

GT mythra logo

Hey look the timeline! And Look it’s in a different spot!

That’s right… the timeline is the series timeline in total! So the next game will be the PAST game! It will explain the main characters plight (hopefully). The discovery of “Exol” and “Aurora”. Also the start of their quest!

Each game is one point in the timeline! The official order will be Beginning (Prologue), Past (Game 1), Alt. Future (Game 2), Present (game 3), and Good Future (game 4).

I can’t show ANYTHING on the Past of Now as it’s still in early Alpha Phase but when I do well… you’ll know more! However People who play the competition or the Vmixed version WILL get a password with bonus scenes and a chance to rename their weapons!

Also for canon… BOTH GENDERS are canon and so will any player you played through with!


P.S. The series is not going to have a Trolls II ending! I Guarantee! However, it will take a while and it will wrap up all 5 Games into a nice package in the end!

Another BSM and a small update.


IK it’s been a while since I used this thing but I have been busy between freelance work and also the channel! Which you might be a subscriber if you came here. Ether way BSM is throwing a marathon this weekend (finally it’s been a year) and I am excited! I will be in the chat so if you go you might get to say hi. This benefits the Brain and Behavior research… you know what I said it in the video i’ll just lead you to that as if you saw the video you ALREADY know this!

As for me in free time… when any… I have been watching anime like usual a quick run down… Sword Art Online, Bleach, Soul Eater, Gunslinger Girl, One Piece, whatever toonami is showing, Pretty cure (currently on splash star with the girlfriend and watching doki doki and happiness charge too) and a huge backlog of anime still including Kill la Kill and Attack on Titan. However when Sailor moon 2014 comes out I AM GOING to move that right off the backlog.

Also on minecraft still on the 2g1m server and living in a freaking temple! We (me and rynne/nancy/tomboytrunks/whatever else she goes by) built this temple and it wasn’t on rock and roll… it was on more screaming and why did I want to do this however, it looks great! I need to take photos of it one day.

Now as I promised here’s the Etrian Odyssey Untold guild card I owe you. This is where my  card peaked. I hope you get thunder dash off of this or something useful.




That’s all for now so grab some chili dogs and see you on Monday for my next game!


Finally an update! Also Project G has dropped!

IK, IK, it’s been a while but I have been well having no news. However I finally got something to at least talk about. Then I got MORE stuff to talk about. Then I got even MORE… Then I let some Procrastination in. So now I come back to post. Some people may know I am an anime fan and well… I finally got off my butt and found some new ones as recommended by my girlfriend and one I saw and said why not…

Recent anime list

Fairy Tail

Kuroshitsuji 1 & 2

Panty & Stocking Feat. Garterbelt

Deadman Wonderland

Cashern Sins

Soul Eater

Sword Art Online


And some non anime


The Chase

and that’s all i have been watching but now…

Project G has been dropped! what is project G? It’s my first let’s play/ walkthrough/ playthrough whatever and it’s The legend of Zelda A Link to the Past! The G stands for Ganon apparently :P. Anyway now that I have updated I will link drop then post this which got delayed HEAVILY due to someone I know playing through then having some derps waiting for audio but we are starting on time!



Have a nice day and i’ll see you on the next one!


A short quick post.

As you may have noticed I had wordpress put up a Anti-SOPA/Anti-PIPA notice today. I’m not going to talk much about it except note it was there and provide you a couple of simple links to where you can look up more incase you missed it. However the super short of it is… these bills would cause a lot more harm than it would clean up. Yes they WOULD stop pirating for a short time HOWEVER doing it like this would leave a massive crater of innocent victims that would probably destroy any internet we have and then there would be a big gaping hole people would use. The power this contains would give people that shouldn’t have ANY power the ability to destroy sites just for a photo and something they didn’t like. I’m going to go relax now.


Link List:

WIKIPEDIA BLACKOUT & government representative contact forms.
SOPA markups to resume in February.


It’s been a while late Happy “Insert holiday here”. I would have posted sooner but I got sidetracked with helping out with Skilling peeps and other RS matters, new gifts, old gifts, Madden, Football, you-tube and upgrading my computer. I have a dell still one of the 1500 series and well… it being a replacement for the breakdown prone 1200 I used to have… (we remember that well) did have only 1 GB of ram… When I saw that I said to myself that this was going to have a hard time so I had to spend cash and wait for ram to come in which to be honest 2GB runs quite well for me right now and I can go up to 8GB even though my processor would need to be replaced before that. However that took a while to get the cash it was well worth it plus I could get by on one just… took SO LONG. One of my other new gifts I got was a nice mug from my aunt with the emoticon 😉 which I am drinking out of right now as we speak. I also got the usual mundane expected stuff but we all know what that is.

If you couldn’t tell by the title… I am going to be talking about Katawa Shoujo in this post and is why I waited so long to make my second post. Now you might say Dating sim eeeewww why creepy gross… my response? Go Pick up persona 3 or Persona 4. There is dating sim elements in that RPG that just work SOOO well. I couldn’t put Persona 3 FES down when my nephew got it as I became attached to the game. I admit though getting back on topic… I almost never play dating sims (see above). DISCLAMER: the views below are from someone with a steady relationship with a woman for five years now and may not be to your liking.

Katawa Shoujo is loosely translated to Disability Girls. (Not going to get into why). You might say something on how it’s wrong to make a game about trying to romance girls with disabilities like no arms, no legs, blind, mute/deaf or others but stop to think about it before you say that. I went in to the game an empty mind expecting probably something not great as I did look at some games on the Ren’py  game engine from sub-par to just plain terrible. However, this one blew my mind. The text itself is well written explaining what happened with the main Character Hisao Nakai. He has a condition called arrhythmia which makes his heart beat irregular and a good chest shot could be lethal. On one winter day he meets his High School crush who confesses his love for him and then… he starts to have a heart attack. Fast forward to a few months later to when he has been in the hospital since. It seems he is going to be released and about to go back to school and see his frie… wait this isn’t a fairy tale! Actually his friends… Stopped visiting him the last one to leave was his high school crush. To make it worse… he is being transferred to a new school with a 24/7 med staff and also a dorm so someone can look after him for the last year of schooling.

Now this is where the game officially begins Act 1. At the start you meet your class… Sitting in the back I saw a really shy girl with scars on her face and at that moment I decided if she was a romance option I am aiming for her! (I went into this blind… sorry lilly but I only saw on cheeseburger the name and how it was promoted didn’t read the chars or anything as the site was down except for a torrent link). Well… short story is as I start playing I met the girls and not ONE felt sorry about their disability but actually Really worked around it. Rin being an example having no arms but uses her feet and mouth to paint with dexterity or Rin her friend being a Track and field star especially sprinting but having no legs using leg springs in lieu (if you saw the new American Gladiators when Brick was on he uses the same principal).

I need to stop and explain the girls for a sec
Lilly Satou: blind since birth. the motherly gentle giant of the cast and also Hanako’s friend.
Hanako Ikezawa: the scars on her face and hand tell more than you know for a 3rd of the game her family died in a fire when she was young and was saved because her mom covered her daughter leaving hanako with her burn marks.
Rin Tezuka: Her birth defect left her with stubs for arms after they had to be amputated. She is an avid painter and the head in the clouds persona of the game. She is also the other half of Eri.
Eri Ibarazaki: “the fastest runner on no legs”. She lost her legs from below the knees in a car accident allways happy allways 100% energetic and hides a secret throughout her game.
Shizune hakamichi: Deaf/mute combo only able to be talked to by sign, notes, or her translator Shiina. very competitive and a harsh taskmaster to the point she pushed most of student counsel away except for Shiina (who waste no time getting you to join). She is also the Student Counsel president.
Shiina “Misha” Mikado: the pink hair anime standard is her trademark and her other being her laugh. She is Shizune’s translator and other student counsel member. Get used to them quick they never go away.

I went along and saw Hanako reading a book. She was who I saw at the begining and at that point my goal was set for my first run. She is really timid sure the scars don’t help but she is cute. (though emi is just bubbling cuteness she’s a little much for my tastes). I met her blind friend Lilly just before and from there it was just hoping to pick right to get her to be my choice. When it came down to the day of the festival (act 1 end) I was told to find Hanako by Lilly (each girl has a paring shizune/misha, Lilly, Hanako, and rin and emi) and then my goal was achieved.

The rest of the game was getting to know her but… she would never let me get close to her. It seems each character has an internal struggle. This internal struggle makes you feel closer to the character than you would think. At one point I was feeling so bad I wanted to wait for a cue to hug her and tell her everything is ok… However once the one adult scene came up (yes there’s a scene where you know… man + woman BUT YOU CAN turn it off if you don’t like it or are too young and NONE of it is rape which would probably stop me playing right away) I felt so bad for her as I saw the amount of scars and it’s alot.  However, I also saw her maturity too and smiled at the same time. The next scene was pure wow seeing her cry and I get my big wish. The ending was really happy and I was hoping for more but the game ended (no happy wedding? Hanako as a blushing bride would be nice with hisao giving her a ring having conquered her fear would be nice). However, I was satisfied with it. So I went and looked for ALL the paths and all the endings for 100% and all I can say is WOW at the amount of work the game took.

In all I can say katawa is a great game. Definitely was above my expectations and I just couldn’t put it down. It’s like a book you just want to read more you wanna see if emi can get off her chair or if Hanako can finally say I love you without showing signs of fear.  I don’t often recommend a Dating sim but… this one I liked and I am playing Hanako’s story again just to see her warm happy smile. Plus… It’s free! I would include screens but a google search will give you PLENTY.

until next time


P.S. Yes Hanako I did enjoy your ending

Links to peruse if you want to: about Arrythmia Katawa Shoujo on wikipedia link to katawa incase you want to try I am seeding the torrent reference to my P.S.

A new begining

It is I LWentworth8567 also known as Lance. It’s been a while hasn’t it? you may formally seen my blog on but it’s dead now. I kinda wanted to start over on a new blog and also well cut the rsbandb tie because well… It’s not a staff blog if I am not staff. Plus I did kinda feel bad not being able to help even donate once to them. However I am on a new site setting up once I get things settled here I will be back up and running and posting… I hope!