Monthly Archives: June 2014

The Roadmap

When I saw the weekly humble bundle at the start of the contest (Literally I saw it May 29th) I knew I had to take this chance. So I started planning an idea. I looked on my desktop and saw Minecraft and said what if I made instead of chests… I made ore be the chest as your a miner in a mine that would be very logical… Then I thought with 1 hour your not going to have long so having one dungeon be the mine fit in. To make it more fun I decided to make the mine randomize what door exits the floor and what rocks appear. Then we had the idea!


Next day Nancy_Drew_Sleuth_85 A.K.A. my girlfriend sent me an E-mail with the humble bundle code… She knew I wanted this and I was happy to finally have that shot! So I redeemed them quickly and got to work! Using one note I quickly jotted down what needs to be done and set a valuable time table to help figure out where I need to be by the end of the week.

one note

Now As I set the tasks down I began to work…

The map design was going to be easy and was my first real task. That took no time at all then came the flow between maps and the mining mechanic at the same time. It wasn’t too bad Once you set one it’s a copy & paste job. I also made sure to document all the rock’s location and maximum sizes. That took longer than it probably should have but the mines were built! Then came the town I knew we needed a house so the Miner’s Shack became that house. Then we made a small area for a small town. It’s a mining settlement after all. We got our in, our armor shop, weapon shop, item shop… and an extra building… All these would come into play later! Tomorrow, I will go over the database changes and everything as that’s the next thing for the next 3 days.


The Game is out!

If you haven’t noticed I released a brand new game! It’s right…


I will try to update the Blog once a week for the next 7 days providing details and facts about the game and development process so stay tuned!

For today’s quick fact about the game…

There is a special guest character in the game if you get a certain pattern! If you get lucky you will meet him!

Quick promo video: